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Result-oriented e-government evaluation: Citizen's perspective

Marya Butt


E-government evaluation is ubiquitously perceived as a government website evaluation. Related literature shows that such studies are usually carried out with in an intention to benchmark the government bodies and to rate one agency over the other; however this paper presents a result-oriented approach to evaluate the government websites from citizens’ perspective. The whole task of e-government evaluation is carried out in three phases. The first phase discusses the design of a scale for e-government evaluation. The second phase accentuates on developing the test cases for each indicator (of the devised scale) to collect the citizen’s feedback. The third phase refers to test run the approach in the selected government bodies. Since the approach is result-oriented, the reports on the basis of generated results are delivered to the stakeholders to initiate learning process. The study showed that the evaluation conducted in all three government bodies succeeded to trigger certain level of learning in the government body.

Pages: 1-33

Keywords: Website evaluation; E-government; Test cases; Learning; Results utilization

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