Webology, Volume 4, Number 3, September, 2007

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The International Scope of Webology

Alireza Noruzi, PhD, Editor-in-Chief


Since August 2004, the number of manuscripts submitted to Webology, an international open access journal, has increased. However, about 50 percent of the submitted manuscripts have been rejected by referees. This is one of the reasons why the number of papers published by Webology is 4 to 6 papers per issue. Even when a manuscript is rejected, the authors are sent detailed reviews and suggestions for improvement of their papers. Occasionally, the manuscripts rejected by our reviewers are published in other journals. In such cases, our review process has contributed to the quality of publication elsewhere. With the help of its authors, referees and, of course, its readers Webology will continue to be one of the main journals in the field of Webology (Web Science) and web-related studies.

An analysis of the papers published in Volume 1 - Vol. 4 No. 3 (current number) shows the geographical distribution of the first authors based on their affiliations. Here is the result:

Table 1: Geographical distribution of papers published in Webology
Country No. of papers
Australia 8
UK 5
India 5
Iran 5
Canada 4
France 4
Bahrain 2
Finland 2
Brazil 1
Thailand 1
Total 46

Table 1 shows together both the status and the historical developments of the journal in the given period of time. The diversity of Webology's authors is illustrated by the authors' affiliation. An important way to characterize the journal's evolution is to take a closer look at its authors. Table 1 shows that North American (U.S. and Canada) and Australian authorships have increased steadily and now constitute over 40% of the journal's lead authors. There were also several examples of international scientific collaborations: 1 for Australia and UK; 2 for US and France; 1 for Australia and US; and 1 for Thailand and India. Note that Webology was launched in 2004 with an international editorial board and continues to retain its cross-functional and international perspectives.
Your comments and suggestions are welcome.

Bibliographic information of this paper for citing:

Noruzi, A. (2007).   "Editorial."   Webology, 4(3), editorial 13. Available at: http://www.webology.org/2007/v4n3/editorial13.html

Copyright © 2007, Alireza Noruzi.