Volume 18, No. 6, 2021

Firozsha Baag As A Metaphor In Rohinton Mistry’s Tales From Firozsha Baag

Atifa Binth e Zia , Mahrukh Masood , Dr. Zafar Iqbal Bhatti


Rohinton Mistry’s Tales from Firozsha Baag represents a microcosm of Parsi community in India. Close examination of the tales illustrates the conflicts of middle class Parsi characters who try to maintain their religion, language and culture in postcolonial India. By focusing on Edna Bonacich’s theory of middleman minorities this paper contends that Firozsha Baag is a metaphor of entanglement between colonial and postcolonial India for Parsi community. This paper aims to build upon Bonacich’s contention “Middleman minorities are noteworthy for the acute hostility they have faced, including efforts to cut off their means of livelihood, riots and pogroms, exclusion movements and expulsion removal to concentration camps, and final solutions” (Bonacich, 1973, Pp.589). Firozsha Baag is a Parsi dominating building in Bombay which is divided into three apartments. This paper contends that as the outer look of the building of Firozsha Baag is shabby and scruffy so is the case with the lives of its residents who are considered a migrant community and they being immigrant are facing discrimination in the east and alienation in the west.

Pages: 2568-2575

Keywords: Alienation; discrimination; entanglement; post-colonialism; metaphor-analysis

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