Volume 18, No. 6, 2021
Flood Conditioning Factors Identification And Evaluation Of The Baghain River Basin Using SWARA Technique
Swati Sharma and Vineet Sharma
Remote Sensing and GIS which are considered as powerful ways for generating and use of thematic information, has been considered to appraise the geomorphologic prospective of Baghain river basin lying in parts of the Bundelkhand region, India. The Baghain is said to have its origination from a hill in Panna district. It then enters in Banda district in UP. A total of around 2643.76 km2 area is covered by the basin, with an elevation varying from 300 meters to 50.6 meters. The satellite data was collected from the community of USGS Earth Explorer. Subsequently, Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) data was used to identify the topographic characteristics and Digital Elevation Model (DEM). In this study, supervised classification method based on maximum likelihood algorithm was used to delineate the land use / land cover characteristics. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was used for the determination of the vegetation characteristics in the study area. A detailed Geomorphologic analysis is done using identified factors and corresponding SWARA weights are calculated.
Pages: 837-850
Keywords: Geomorphologic, GIS, Remote Sensing, SWARA