Volume 18, No. 6, 2021
A Study Into The Relationship Of School Administration And Teachers’ Job Performance: Evidences From Public Institutions Of Rural Sindh
Abdul Hakeem , Prof. Dr. Abdul Sattar Shah , Prof. Dr. Imamuddin Khoso , Prof. Dr. Muneeruddin Soomro
The education play a pivotal role in every area of world. The civilization of society and other significant characteristics in society can only be generated with good educational system. This research has focused education administration as a significant cause to increases performance of educators. This research is heavily rely on primary data collection source. A survey was conducted from heads of institutions at primary and secondary level, besides that the teachers working in those areas was also constituted as the respondents of this study. The target population of this study is primary and secondary education schools in rural areas owned by government of Sindh. The sample size will be 364, of which 9.95 percent rounded to 10 percent will be the head teachers i.e. 36. The Stratified random sampling technique was used to single out the respondents for this research. The collected data was encoded by using SPSS v24 and descriptive statistics and correlation analysis was implicated. In addition, hypotheses assessment was made by using a robust statistical concept, structural equation modelling. SEM includes both confirmatory and structural part of the model and this study has assessed both parts. The statistical outcomes of SEM revealed that education administration has positive significant impact on task performance among educators of rural Sindh. Moreover, education administration has also significant and positive impact on both contextual and adaptive performance among educators of rural Sindh. The study confirmed that the performance measures are positively affected with the prevailing education administration. Adding to that, study also suggests necessary changes which should be indulged in education administration of Sindh and results also contributes in the formulation of education administration policy.
Pages: 922-947
Keywords: Education Administration, Performance, Rural Sindh, SEM, SPSS.