Volume 16, No 1, 2019
Dynamics Of Classroom Misconception: An Analysis Using Mathematical Modeling And Simulation
Vinchail A. Siason
Mathematical modeling technique was used to simulate classroom misconception dynamics in a binary perception system with the effects of student interaction, in two different conditions: with learned student influence and without. A Compartmental model (SIR of Epidemiology) was used as a baseline theory in generating the Misconception Dynamics Model (MDM) for the simulation and analysis. The presence of influential learned students in a classroom interaction greatly impacts the misconception dynamics of a classroom system. The inclusion of misconception correction by fellow students in an open class interaction environment drastically affects the time evolution of the spread of misconception by slowing its spread and by direct conversion of misinformed (M) and unlearned (U) status to learned (L).
Pages: 213-227
Keywords: Learning correctly the different concepts presented in the class is an essential thing to be ascertained. However, doing so is not something that could easily be realized as there are some concerns and issues that serve as barriers for the correct underst