Volume 18, No. 6, 2021

Exploring Classroom Interaction Of Professionally Qualified And Unqualified Teachers In Government Secondary Schools: A Comparative Case Study From Chitral, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

Kausar Hussain , Zafar Wali Shah , Irfan Jamil , Asifa Andaleeb , Fardad Ali Shah


A comparative case study was conducted to explore the practices of classroom interaction (CI) of professionally qualified and professionally unqualified teachers. Data was collected from three professionally qualified and three professionally unqualified teachers using semi-structured interview, classroom observation, focus group discussion, and field notes as data collection tools. Professionally qualified teachers were named as case one while professionally unqualified teachers were named case two. Data was gathered around three domains of class interaction i.e. classroom organization, emotional support, and instructional support. Data around the domain of classroom organisation revealed that the participants of both cases inculcate different classroom management techniques to promote classroom interaction except time management where participants of case two were facing issues as compared to case one. Around the domain of instructional supports both cases prefer to use variety of teaching techniques like discussion, questioning, individual work, and group work. However, participants of case one used formative assessment techniques to engage students while in case two formative assessment practices were not consistent during teaching and learning process. Around the domain of emotional support both cases were positive to build good relationship with students but the participants of case two were unaware regarding critical dimensions of teacher-student relationship. The study also found that lack of proper space, resources, and technology as hurdles in classroom interaction.

Pages: 1066-1072

Keywords: Interaction, Classroom interaction (CI), Conceptual framework for classroom interaction (CLASS), professionally qualified teacher, professionally unqualified teacher.

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