Volume 18, No. 6, 2021
Collaboration Between Social Health Insurance Administration Body (Bpjs) And Prof. Dr. W. Z. Johannes Regional Public Hospital Kupang In Health Services
Maria Magdalena Lino , Aloysius Liliweri , David B. W. Pandie and Lenny M. Tamunu
This study uses an interpretive research paradigm with the research locations chosen by the researchers are the Office of the Social Health Insurance Administration Body (BPJS) Kupang Branch and the Prof. Dr. W.Z. Johannes Regional Public Hospital. The types of research data in this study are primary data and secondary data, while the data sources are obtained through informants and document data. Methods of data collection using interview techniques, observation and documentation. The data collected was then analyzed using the data analysis technique proposed by Creswell (2016: 264-268). The collaboration of Prof. Dr.W.Z. Johannes Regional Public Hospital with the Social Health Insurance Administration Body Kupang Branch in health services was analyzed using the theory of Ansell and Gash (2007:558- 561). The findings of this study are (1) In the “initial condition” dimension, problems were found in the form of unbalanced resources, incentives and constraints from the participation process in collaboration as well as the background of unbalanced cooperation and conflicts between actors which tend to make the collaboration process rely on stronger actors, (2) dimensions of the collaboration process through face to face dialogue which is only carried out at the upper level between the hospital and BPJS while at the lower level of collaboration (networks) this is not involved in every dialogue, building trust which, although it is still considered detrimental, is still being tried to exist, the same thing is also attempted to be done in the dimensions of commitment to the collaboration process and shared understanding as well as temporary impacts (intermediate outcomes), whereas (3) the facilitative leadership dimension was found to be positive at the hospital level, while for the Social Health Insurance Administration Body Kupang Branch, this has not been done because of the tendency of leaders to be closed, especially in terms of communication regarding collaboration, and (4) on the institutional design dimension is still constrained on the basic protocol and basic rules for collaboration.
Pages: 1160-1190
Keywords: Governance, Collaboration and Service