Volume 18, No. 6, 2021
Green Productivity In Water Efficiency & Treatment
Krishna Kumar Sinha , Pankaj Kumar , Mukesh Kumar Gupta , M. K. Banerjee
As a result of liberalisation of the industrial policy, a number of multi-national companies are being established in the country. With the varying nature of these industries, they generate more wastes resulting in the lower overall productivity. Gradually lot of approaches have been adopted in various countries to minimise the waste generation and protect the environment. The approaches like Waste Minimisation and Cleaner Production emphasise on the pollution reduction at source along with improving the efficiency of the production process. In the recent past, the emphasis has been laid on resources’ conservation and pollution control together in order to sustain the development. A sustainable development has been a key term for overall socio-economic development without creating negative impacts on the environment. Green Productivity (GP) signifies a new paradigm on socio-economic development aimed at the pursuit of economic and productivity growth while protecting the environment. The concept, methodology and tools &techniques are applicable for evolving water efficiency in the industrial sectors as well as in the domestic wastewater treatment for the recycle and reuse of treated water and achieving Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) in the industrial unit/industrial cluster/industrial estate/Industrial Pak.
Pages: 1191-1198
Keywords: Green Productivity, Water Efficiency, Wastewater Treatment, Industrial sector