Volume 18, No. 6, 2021
Determinants Of The Quality And Acceptability Of Moocs: International Vs Indian Perspective
Dr. Gaurav Gupta , Dr. Vikas Kumar , Priyam Mendiratta and Dr. Pratibha Giri
With the economies being fueled by knowledge, Massive Open Online Courses are a new buzzword in the education sector. These courses were introduced with the intent to provide access to top-tier, cost-free learning to millions on a worldwide basis, using internet technology. Present work investigates the fundamental idea of MOOCs, highlighting their importance in enabling a prospective overturn of the century-old classroom teaching and learning. The major Indian and International initiatives have been discussed, highlighting their specific importance. Along with the enablers for penetration of MOOCs, prominent opportunities and challenges have been presented. The work is very much important from the policy perspective in both the education and industry domain. It puts-up a challenging perspective of quality to the Educational Institutes and at the same time, highlights the acceptability perspective for the employers.
Pages: 1265-1283
Keywords: Education. India, MOOC