Volume 18, No. 6, 2021
Tracing Of Identical Key Points For Recognition Of CopyMove Forger
Chandrakala , Dr. M Sasikala
Rapid development of digital image processing along with various image editing tools, it is quiet easy to tamper these images without having any traces of modification; hence determining the authenticity of digital image is considered as the social issue. Moreover, several agencies like news services, intelligence service and law firms rely upon the image for various purpose; as a result, variety of researches has been carried out to detect the forgery evidence. Copy Move image forgery (CMF) is most common and popular type of image tampering where regions are selected by attacker and other region are copied into it. Moreover, development of robust and automatic approach for copy move forgery are still considered as an open challenge; thus in this research work, we design and develop an automatic mechanism named TIK-RCMF (Tracing of Identical Key points for Recognition of Copy-Move Forgery). TIK-RCMF tends to obtain the optimal solution in all three steps i.e. extraction of features, similarity matching and tracing of identical points and localization of forgery. In first step, image level optimization is used; in second step optimal similarity checking is utilized and third step optimal localization is achieved. Moreover, performance evaluation is carried out considering the three dataset namely “dataset”, “GRIP” and “FAU” considering both image level and pixel level. Furthermore, evaluation is carried out through comparing with different existing mechanism of forgery detection and comparative analysis suggests that TIK-RCMF is efficient than the other models.
Pages: 1284-1305
Keywords: Copy Move Forgery, TIK-RCMF, key points, similarity checking