Volume 18, No. 6, 2021
Factors Affecting Customers’ Insight On The Services Quality Of Emirates Airline
Abdoulrahman Aljounaidi , Zaid Othman Dannoun , Siti Maisara Binti Mohammad
The goal of this research is to determine the customers’ insights of the services offered by the Emirates Airline Company by using the SERVQUAL method. This research shows the effectiveness of the marketing strategies used by Emirates to enhance the customers' perception of the services offered at Emirates Airline. Primary data collection was the used method to achieve the desired objective and the research goal. This primary data was gathered mainly by means of questionnaire surveys distributed to Malaysian International Passengers. The results of data and information analyses show five key independent variables that determine the customers’ point of view regarding the services provided at the airlines. These variables are: responsiveness, reliability, tangibility, assurance, and empathy. This study serves as a guideline for customers to provide a positive or negative perception towards the service quality of airlines. Furthermore, companies use the independent variables in order to enhance their service quality standards to attract new customers to the market and also satisfy the existing customers. The outcome of this research may not accurately depict the actual picture of the real-time situation due to the limited sample size used in conducting this analysis. In addition, differences in culture and language also influenced the data collection methods, which impacted the results of this research study. Nevertheless, this research study can be used by companies as a helpful guide for the purpose of constructing improved marketing strategies to fulfil the needs and demands of the target market.
Pages: 1567-1589
Keywords: SERVQUAL, marketing strategies, customers’ insights of the services, perception of the services