Volume 18, No. 6, 2021

Design And Development Of Blockchain Influenced Eco System

Ahmed Mohammed Ali , Vijay Ghorpade


A lack of prompt information on sensitive health data may have adverse health consequences. It is also essential that patients access and control their health information to play a more active role in their healthcare. The aim of this research is to integrate a common platform for patient, hospital, laboratories na medical shops by taking advantage of blockchain technology. The name of the said software suite is Medical Easy ness (Med Ease). The aim of the said software suite is to share a patients data securely with hospitals and doctors. The blockchain-influenced software suite was developed to ease security and simplicity with hospitals, medicals, pathologists, and most importantly, patients. The data generated through this software package can be utilised for further research in the field of healthcare. With the blockchain, data security will be improved, and it will be passed around to all relevant components with maximum security. The healthcare industry also benefits from this in data creation and maintenance for research purposes, such as disease transmission, weather impact, and disease prevalence.

Pages: 2323-2345

Keywords: Blockchain. Data security. Electronic Health Records. Healthcare.

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