Volume 18, No. 6, 2021

A Literature Review Of Electric Vehicle To Grid Technology

Dr. Gireesh Chandra Tripathi


Increasing greenhouse gas emissions, depletion of fossil resources, the oil crisis and rising petroleum prices necessitate a switch from internal combustion engines to electric vehicles. Commercial EV deployment need a big charging infrastructure. Vehicle to Grid is a new developing technology since many EVs may be utilised as load and energy storage to assist the grid. However, uncoordinated EV charging illustrates the system's critical significance. So optimal V2G coordination is required. Thus, this study covers a full V2G system investigation. The paper discusses the V2G power flow approach. It also highlights the main business challenges to V2G adoption. A comparison of the state of the art for V2G, V2H, and V2V is also provided (V2V). In a coordinated V2G system, several optimization strategies assist the optimal energy management system.

Pages: 2346-2357

Keywords: Electric Vehicle, Vehicle to Grid, Unidirectional, Bidirectional, Genetic Algorithm

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