Volume 18, No. 6, 2021
Arr And Fusion Based Virtual Machine Scheduling Techniques For Eucalyptus Cloud
Bharath Kumar Madakatte , Nagesh H R
The Cloud computing is popularly utilized innovative technology, and virtualization approach is used to ensure maximum of services to customers. Many of the cloud providers make use of Virtual machines to fulfil customer demands. Successful scheduling of virtual machines is a significant task in cloud environment. In our paper, extensive review of existing works on various methods and scheduling techniques of cloud computing is done and summary is tabulated. The existing Virtual machine scheduling techniques Greedy, Round-Robin and Power Save of eucalyptus cloud are discussed and compared with OpenStack and Open Nebula cloud scheduling techniques. Proper utilization of Power is one among major challenges in cloud data centres, which can be reduced by fusing the workloads and closing down physical machines when it becomes inactive. In our work, two novel techniques for Eucalyptus virtual machine scheduling, Advanced Round-Robin (ARR) and Fusion Methodology are proposed. Both the techniques are designed, implemented, and the outcome are captured for evaluation. The results are graphically analysed and compared with the existing techniques of Eucalyptus cloud framework. The experimental outcomes assured that, proposed techniques works better compared to existing approaches and results in comparatively lesser power utilization on an average.
Pages: 2487-2505
Keywords: Cloud computing (CC) is distributed high-scale computational paradigm where a group of processing resources,