Volume 18, No. 6, 2021
The Portrayal Of Women In Bollywood Films
In India, Film is one of the most powerful tools to create and influence the citizens. To influence the common people is one of the most critical functions to perform in the film. The film reflects the customs, tradition and culture of a society. It also reflects the patriarchal nature of a society where gender-based violence is very common. It not only reflects society but also shapes it because it influences and module public opinion. In the second-largest democratic country of the world i.e. India, films have already proven as an effective means to reach to the citizen. It has the responsibility to sensitize the gender issues for the empowerment of women. The representation of women in films is a matter of concern to every feminist researcher because it is an appropriate platform where they can raise voices on the issues of women.
Pages: 2506-2510
Keywords: Film, Women, Entertainment, Empowerment.