Volume 18, No. 6, 2021
Youtube And Its Role In Education Content: A Descriptive Overview
Dr. P. Chitra
The video-sharing website YouTube is a Web 2.0 stage for appropriated video sharing that is notable among understudies, colleges, and scholastics. This article investigates the YouTube channels made by three trained professionals - Dave Cormier, Wendy Drexler, and Michael Wesch - who have research interests in development helped to learn and have made YouTube channels to share their revelations. It is the example of movies that every researcher posted and named as "instruction" on their YouTube stations that will be the focal point of the exploration. The data accumulated from the substance examination gives for a superior comprehension of what material is being shared and how it is being shared. The general discoveries suggest that analysts who have an individual channel or one that is officially associated with the college are bound to disseminate recordings made as an outcome of their work as researchers, with a portion of these movies, in any event, offering copyright to the school. Each of the movies examines points and thoughts that are tantamount to each other as far as the reconciliation and utilization of innovation in training, yet the way used to pass on their shifts.
Pages: 2725-2736
Keywords: YouTube, web 2.0, Open Educational Resources (OER).