Volume 18, No. 6, 2021
Depression And Anxiety Among Students With Physical Impairment Studying In An Inclusive Setting
Dr. Maria Sohaib Qureshi , Dr. Hina Fazil , Prof. Dr. Humara Bano
Students with physical disability are at greater risk of bullying, harassment and social withdrawal (Maag & Katsiyannis, 2012). These challenges in addition to the challenges posed by the impairment may affect mental health of individuals (Hancova & Vavrova, 2016). The aim of this study was to identify the level of depression, anxiety and stress among students with physical impairment studying in an inclusive educational setting. Type of research was descriptive. A developed questionnaire called Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS) was used to collect data from the sample of 160 adolescents with physical impairment. Same number of individuals was taken from each of the two genders by using convenient sampling. The collected data was analyzed using DASS scoring sheet and descriptive as well as inferential stat. According to the study's findings, more than half of the sample showed mild to moderate level of anxiety and depression, while no significant difference was found between the depression, anxiety and stress faced by male and female students with physical impairment in inclusive educational set up. Relevant stakeholders along with parents of students with physical impairment need to play active role in eliminating depression, anxiety and stress among these students.
Pages: 2797-2805
Keywords: Physical impairment, depression, anxiety, stress.