Volume 18, No. 6, 2021

E Gyan Kosh (Institutional Repository) Of Ignou Is A Blessing For Journalism And Mass Communication Students

Mr. Sanjeev Kumar , Dr. Praveen Babel


This article is the first endeavor to research connection between media education and materials of e Gyan Kosh. Study materials of e Gyan Kosh are representing for media education of mass communication which is fruitful for pupils of related media education. It is also discussed all the important parts (specially its collections and services) of institutional repository (e Gyan kosh). IGNOU has run various courses of Journalism, Mass Media and others stream. The name of the courses is Certificate, Post-Graduation Diploma and Master degree in Journalism and Mass Communication. E Gyan Kosh has provided study materials in Journalism and Mass Communication including Bachelor in Arts, Commerce and Science too. Information society obtains the lot of benefits from e Gyan Kosh due to its good collections. E Gyan Kosh is a biggest repository of India.

Pages: 3088-3101

Keywords: Mass Media, Open Distance Learning (ODL), Mass Communication, Institutional Repository, Metadata, Open Educational Resources (OER), IGNOU, Self-Learning Material (SLM)

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