Volume 18, No. 6, 2021
Applying Artificial Bee Colony (Abc) Algorithm To The Distribution Network Reconfiguration Problem With An Objective Function Of Minimum Operating And Power Outage Costs
Nguyen Tung Linh , Tran Duc Viet , Pham Vu Long
The distribution network, the problem of grid restructuring according to the change of load to reduce power loss has partly reduced the operation cost of the grid but will affect. to the power supply reliability of the load. Therefore, in this study, we present the method of using Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm for the problem of grid restructuring with the objective function of the problem is to reduce operating costs and stop costs. electricity on the distribution grid. The Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm is one of optimization algorithms developed by Karaboga in 2009. This algorithm is based on the study of the herd behavior of bees during honey collection. The effectiveness of the proposed method was tested on the sample grid of IEEE, the research results gave reliable results showing the use of ABC for the restructuring problem.
Pages: 3321-3335
Keywords: Distribution network;power loss; ABC, reliability, reconfiguration distribution network.