Volume 18, No. 6, 2021
Teacher Training In Inclusive Education In Panama: The Challenge Of Enhancing Mathematical Suitability
Dra. Luisa Morales-Maure , Evelyn García-Vázquez , and Miguel Ángel Esbrí
In 2017, the National Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC) of Panama, recorded a total of 15, 053 students of inclusive education and 885 teachers who taught courses in that area. These figures contrast with those reported by the Ministry of Education of Panama (MEDUCA), for the years 2015-2019, in which they reported 81,009 students with special needs; data that exemplifies the substantial increase in students with some type of disability. In Panama there are more than 500 public schools that provide inclusive education; unlike the rest of the schools where there are very few centers that integrate this education. Given this reality, it is recognized the need to develop, integrally, this population with the intervention of teachers trained in strategies, innovation and technology. For these purposes, technological tools are needed to strengthen educational strategies and enhance the didactics of mathematics, both in the regular student and in students of inclusive education. Achieving this objective promotes equitable education and the social integration of citizens with special needs in order to achieve quality education at the initial level. The training of teachers at preschool and primary level, through the strengthening of a technological platform that promotes mathematical suitability in inclusive education, promotes the modification of knowledge and the development of mathematical thinking.
Pages: 3547-3567
Keywords: inclusion, inclusive education, mathematics, technological platform, mathematical suitability, Social Interpretation Model (SIC)