Volume 18, No. 6, 2021
Mapping Interaction Patterns Of Pakistani Twitter Users For Political Communication
Ms. Zarmina Gull , Dr. Qasim Mahmood , Dr. Rao Nadeem Alam
Twitter-based interactions are successful in generating political debate. This interactive platform contributes information about trending political issues. The particular concern of the current research was to examine the interaction patterns of Twitter users for political communication. The study looked at the political communication on Twitter through the lens of Uses and Gratification approach. By taking an example from Pakistan, the aim was to identify the perceived significance of Twitter as a platform for political communication and how the users used it to gratify their cognitive, personal integrative, and social integrative needs. Using a simpel random sampling technique, a sample size of 400 respondents was collected from Twitter users in Pakistan. The findings affirmed that Twitter was considered significant for political interactions. Concerning needs gratification, the cognitive needs were the primary gratified needs for Twitter-based political communication. This pattern of use was unlike other countries where the main reason for using Twitter was to gratify personal and social integrative needs. Based on the findings, the study provided a profile of the users who used Twitter for political communication in Pakistan. The insights of the study will help enhance engagement and design political campaigns for social media, particularly Twitter.
Pages: 3585-3599
Keywords: Political Communication; Twitter; Pakistan’s Twitter Users; Uses and Gratification