Volume 18, No. 6, 2021

Measuring The Continuity Of Performance Of Maintenance Management In Government Facilities Focusing On The Electricity Services Sector During The Corona Pandemic Period In Oman

Salim bin Hamad Al-Habsi , M. Ramaswamy and Asif Mahbub Karim


COVID-19 has turned working life upside down on the Globe. The Sultanate of Oman is no exception. Sudden, decreased working hours and rapid adjustments to working from home have created changes no one could have predicted. Working from home is becoming the new normal in the pandemic, with 30% of people now clocking on from living rooms, bedrooms and kitchen tables around the country. This figure almost doubles to 70% for office workers, who are currently conducting meetings via video link and connecting in ways previously limited to those with flexible working arrangements in place. To some extent, working from home may be workable in many industries. Still, services industries such as the electricity distribution sector, different approach to be adopted due to the nature of works involved in these sectors. Though electricity distribution services came under the essential services category last year and even this year are challenging to all electricity distribution organizations in Oman. In this paper, the authors discussed the extent of the impact of the Corona pandemic on the maintenance department teams in government units, mainly on the Electricity service sector in Oman. The most critical changes in this sector during this pandemic period are identified by measuring the efficiency of the various systems and their performance. Difficulties in delivering spare parts and the arrival of maintenance teams to buildings due to extended lockdown. Also, the new mechanisms that have been established for buildings and facilities management teams in this sector the best practices that have been applied during the pandemic are listed in this paper.

Pages: 4226-4235

Keywords: Maintenance Management, Electricity service sector, Facilities Management.

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