Volume 18, No. 6, 2021
Detection Of Intrusion In Manet Routing Scenario
Sumanpreet Kaur , Dr. Mahendra Kumar
MANETs are the fastest growing wireless networks due to their characteristics of selfconfiguration, self-administration and dynamic topology. They are made up of a group of mobile nodes that are connected wirelessly in a self-configuring, self-healing network with no fixed infrastructure. Because the network architecture changes regularly, these nodes are free to roam around at will. Each node acts as a router, forwarding traffic to other nodes in the network that have been designated. Manets have limited resources (power, bandwidth) but they provide versatile applications in many areas as they do not require any extra infrastructure for their deployment and flexible in nature. Manets are used during the emergency and rescue, disaster situations, military operations and in various businesses, educational and individual scenarios where a group of people want to communicate as per their choice or demand.
Pages: 4415-4426
Keywords: A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a collection of mobile nodes dynamically forming temporary network without the use of any existing network infrastructure or centralized administration.