Volume 18, No. 6, 2021
RSSI Based Rank Attack Detection Technique For RPL
A.Stephen , Dr. L. Arockiam
“Internet of Things (IoT)” is ahead of the curve in the digital era for the last ten years. IoT is the best thing since sliced bread which makes hard work into smart work in our day- to-day life. IoT connects things over the internet to communicate with each other in a network as an automated system. Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) is a routing protocols which is used in IoT network. Several attacks have happened in RPL protocol. Rank attack is the most vulnerable attack among all other attacks. In this paper, rank attack detection technique based on Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) is proposed. The technique is used only when objective function is set as hop count. The work has been mathematically tested by taking random RSSI values of the nodes and found to be more efficient.
Pages: 5189-5197
Keywords: Rank attack, RSSI, IoT, Objective function