Volume 18, No. 6, 2021
Quranic Context Of Hygene And Cleanliness: An Imperative Study
Dr. Nasir ali khan , Muhammad Inamullah , Sadaf Butt , Hajra Arzoo siddiqui , Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim
Human Being is highly valued as a masterpiece of Allah’s imagination and he is blessed in this world as a Caliph of Almighty. Almighty Allah the ruler of mankind ensures physical, mental and spiritual health before assigning man the role of vicegerent. Thus the human character is highlighted by focusing on promoting physical health, which naturally depends on cleanliness. The current research work is based on Quranic framework for human health and hygiene. Social hygiene as well as personal hygiene is essential for the well being of entire society. This study is conducted through Quranic injunctions that purity guides us to avoid diseases of body and soul both. The present work has been conducted through primary and secondary sources Holy Quran, Ahadith, Articles and research papers published in various journals. The main objective of this research work is to examine the significance of health and hygiene in the Quranic context so that knowing the importance of cleanliness the believers can complete half of their faith according to the Quran and Sunnah.
Pages: 5198-5206
Keywords: Ummah, Quran, Cleanliness, Hygiene, Purity.