Volume 18, No. 6, 2021

Receiver Operative Characteristics Analysis For Validation Of Parental Expressed Emotions Scale

Shammem Akhtar , Muhammad Luqman Khan


Introduction: Receiver operative characteristics analysis helps in selections of best tools which provide possibly optimum models and to remove sub-optimal ones unconventionally through the cost benefits perspective. ROC analysis is direct way to analysis of tool for decision making and figuring out a test's accuracy. Parental expressed emotions scale newly developed tool in Urdu language and used for measuring expressed emotion in parents. To investigate the utility, feasibility, construct and convergent validity of parental expressed emotions scale, Receiver operative characteristics analysis were used so that decision can be made weather parental expressed emotions scale is best measure or not as compared to others for measuring expressed emotions in parents. Methodology: Cross sectional research design was used for this study and 200 parents (200mothers & 200 fathers) were selected on the basis of inclusion and exclusion criteria, only those parents of children were included in the study that was without any physical and mental disability. The study was completed in three phases. In the first phase construct related evidences of convergent validity were collected and in the second phase criterion validity was established by using receiver-operative characteristic analysis (ROC) while in the third phase internal consistency was explored by the total item correlation further reliability analysis was also carried out. Results: current study found positive and significant (p<0.01) correlation between parental expressed emotions scale and the level of expressed emotions scale. The ROC area under the curve shown a value of 0.85(95% confidence interval) for parental expressed emotions scale, and 0.56 for level of expressed emotions scale which is considered as very low in discriminating the significance of parental expressed emotions scale. So the cut-off point for the parental expressed emotions scale is 94, the value which identified the sensitivity and specificity of expressed emotions. Conclusions: It is inferred that with the help of receiver-operative characteristic analysis, Parental expressed emotions scale is valid and reliable measure for the assessment of parental expressed emotions according to Asian culture as compared to level of expressed emotions scale.

Pages: 5301-5308

Keywords: Expressed emotions, validation, convergent validity, Receiver-Operating Characteristic analysis, sensitivity, specificity.

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