Volume 18, No. 6, 2021

Effect Of Different Spacings On Growth Parameters Of Gherkin (Cucumis Anguria L.) Cv. Ajax Hybrid. Under Staking Method

Godasu Pradeep Kumar , M.Rajkumar


India today emerged as the origin of finest gherkin cultivation, processing and exports to every growing world requirement. As per the previous annotations there are different spacings followed by researchers for cultivation of gherkins. An experiment was conducted on Rabi season 2019 – 20 to find out the best spacing on gherkins at Batlagundu area near kodaikanal hills, Tamilnadu, India to determine the effect of plant spacing on the phenological parameters of gherkin (Cucumis anguria L.). The experiment was comprised of three row spacings (30 cm, 45 cm, 60 cm) and three plant spacings (100 cm, 125 cm, 150 cm) resulting in nine treatments. Data collected from the various observations were subjected to Analysis of Variance for randomized block design (RBD). The result generated from the experiment was statistically significant (P?0.05) for all the five growth parameters studied. The 100 cm x 30cm recorded the highest in vine length and Internodal length then spacing at 150 x 60 cm recorded maximum in number of leaves, branches and dry matter parameters.

Pages: 5323-5330

Keywords: Plant spacing, Gherkin, Growth, Phenological etc.

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