Volume 18, No. 6, 2021
A Study On Utilization And Barriers Of Moocs Among Faculty Members Of Engineering Colleges
The main objectives of this study are to investigate the motivational factors that influenced the learners to attend the MOOC courses, the purpose of attending MOOCs, course duration they preferred and also this study is focused on barriers encountered to the learners when they attempt to access MOOC courses to improve their knowledge and skills. A Structured Questionnaire was framed and it was distributed to 500 faculty members working in Engineering Colleges where located in selected three districts. Out of 500 Questionnaire distributed, 365 questionnaire were successfully received from the respondents. SPSS Statistical Software Tool was used for data analysis. Improvement in Teaching, Learning, and Research was the most influenced motivational factor by the respondents to attend the courses. 49.3% of respondents participated in MOOCs to improve teaching and learning. 41.6% of respondents completed four weeks duration courses. Lack of Technical Skills was the major barrier among the respondents to access MOOCs.
Pages: 5389-5396
Keywords: MOOCs, Motivational Factors, Faculty Members, Engineering Colleges, Barriers