Volume 18, No. 6, 2021
Affecting Factors Of Customer Relationship Management In Indian Fast-Food Industry
The fast-food industry is now booming and Asia is particularly driving this growth. A fast food firm has since offered customer service in India through rapid expansion.CRM is based on a relationship marketing concept that strives to build, maintain, grow and strengthen connections with customers and to increase the value of customer life to the business and organizations. An important component in India's food processing industry and industrial sector, with our country's revenues continuously growing.The food industry is intended to satisfy the everchanging requirements of contemporary customers.Dynamic & Cutting throat Competitive business climate pushed food processing industries to generate procedures and Customer engagement strategies designed to recruit and keep old customers.The major aim is to establish the quick food, quality and Value connection between driver quality, client satisfaction and client relationships in India.
Pages: 5918-5924
Keywords: Fast Food, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Relationship Management, Industry.