Volume 18, No. 6, 2021
Practical Skill Competencies Of Vocational High School Students Based On Cooperative Learning Types Of Student Team Achievement Divisions (STAD)
Eni Hartati , Syamsul Bachri Thalib , Mustafa
The implementation of learning that is still teacher-centered causes students to feel bored, and less involved in learning activities, so it is necessary to use an effective learning model in a lesson. The purpose of this research in literature is to see the use of the STAD learning model in improving the practical skills competence of SMK students. This research is a type of descriptive qualitative research with descriptive analysis and comparative literature from various journals and related research. The data in this study are analytic literative. Sources of data from previous studies related to research that are relevant to this research are the main key to the presentation of data analysis as a theoretical study which will be followed by further research. The main problem in this study is the results of observations from renewable research which concludes that there is learning that is still one angle, one object, namely the teacher. In fact, there is an awareness that is natural and intelligent of students that must be mixed so that they can place themselves in choosing education and understand the knowledge they are learning. The conclusion of this study is the strengthening of the STAD type cooperative learning model in improving the practical skills competence of vocational students. The implication of this research is that the STAD model treatment can encourage students to be more active in the learning process, foster student curiosity, and train students' thinking skills.
Pages: 6375-6383
Keywords: vocational students' skill competence, STAD, cooperative learning.