Volume 18, No. 6, 2021
Needs Analysis Of Traditional Game-Based Physical Education, Sports And Health Learning Models: Is It Important To Use?
Nurhikmah , Husain Syam , Abdul Saman
This study aims to analyze the need to become the basis for learning physical education, sports & health based on traditional games. So that the results and outcomes are known. Departing from the problem of the lack of interest of students in learning physical education and health, so it requires a learning approach model that can generate interest and motivation to learn students. One of them is the preservation of traditional games. The conservation of traditional games and their implementation into physical education and health learning is an effort to raise students' interest and motivation in learning. In addition to maintaining the ancestral heritage. This study uses a qualitative approach. Physical education and health learning using a local wisdom-based approach is an effort to bring students closer to local cultural heritage that has the value of physical and health knowledge. In this study, the approach used is a qualitative approach with analytical methods. Sources of data in this study are some of the latest research & data analysis in the output of previous studies as the basis for this research. The results based on this research are the relationship and description of the need for a learning model based on local wisdom in the example of physical education learning with the implementation of traditional games. From the results of this study, recommendations emerged for making physical education more interesting, namely using a local wisdom-based approach.
Pages: 6384-6396
Keywords: learning models, physical education, sports and health, traditional games.