Volume 18, No. 6, 2021
Preferences Of Library Services By The Faculty Members Of Colleges Of Education In Tamil Nadu
M. Rajamansingh , Dr.A.Manoharan
Library is an important component in an educational institution which performs a significant function of providing learning experiences to lead their students from the darkness of ignorance to the light of knowledge. The main objective of this study is to identify the Preferences of Library Services among Faculty Members of College of Education in Tamil Nadu. The study is confined to the libraries of 21 colleges of education, including 07 Govt. Colleges of Education and 14 Govt. Aided Colleges of Education in Tamilnadu. Data has been collected from 255 respondents. This study found that faculty members in College of Education prefers reference service. It is interesting to note that reference service is sought more by female faculty members (mean score=2.01) than male teachers (mean score=1.96
Pages: 6451-6456
Keywords: Loan of Books, Reference Services, Colleges of Education, Teacher Training