Volume 18, No. 6, 2021
An Analysis Of Crop Diversification In Haryana
Prof. Santosh Nandal , Akshu
Agriculture sector plays a very important role for the economy of Haryana predominantly it is an agricultural economy. The main aim of this paper is to analyse the trend and extent of diversification in Haryana. For fulfilling the above said objectives secondary sources of data taken from various issues of Statistical Abstract of Haryana, Economic Survey of India etc. have been used in the study. The study revealed that area under wheat and rice has increased in the state is on the cost of decrease in area of other rabi and kharif crops such as barley, gram, jowar, bajra, maize etc. Growth in the production of rice and wheat is mainly due to the increase in area under the crops while the area under coarse cereals and pulses have decreased but their productivity has shown the positive trend. On the same scale the overall diversification index has shown decreasing trend over the years as diversification of area towards vegetables is very low as compare to the diversification towards wheat and rice leads to the monocropping pattern in the state.
Pages: 6457-6463
Keywords: Crop Diversification, Simpson Index of Diversification, Annual Compound Growth Rate.