Volume 16, No 1, 2019
Developing people's information capabilities: fostering information literacy in educational, workplace and community contexts.
Hepworth, M. & Walton, G.
This book includes four main sections and fifteen chapters which begins with a rich “preface” about the main objects of the book and why the editors published the work. The editors mentioned in the preface of the book that “Our information literacy research has stemmed from an academic desire to understand this phenomenon that is “What is it?” “What influences a person information literacy?’, ‘does it mean different things in different contexts?”. Also is among the other drivers of the editors “the need to find practical ways of developing people’s information literacy that is drawing on academic insight to help develop effective interventions that would build information literacy” (xix).
Pages: 210-212
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V16I1/bookreview30
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