Volume 18, No. 6, 2021
Corporate Social Responsibility Is Applicable To The Msme Sector With A Focus On Social Responsibility In The Cuddalore District
In this way the MSME is not a standard form of social responsibility even though this sector become well aware of social responsibility and practiced it in their routine business operations without realizing it, So the MSME sector is more socially responsible than the corporate sector from multiple perspectives. However, as soon as a corporate does not fall under the CSR requirement, it is no longer required to engage in social responsibility for meet their requirements. The available resources will than be destroyed in the ensuring days. The world’s business should be accountable for all of the resources available even though natural resources are independent in that sense. Primary and Secondary data are the only sources for present study. The secondary data were gathered from the Tamil Nadu government MSME website. The Government may also relieve taxes for SMES, and generally speaking, All members of society may grant preferential access to all MSMEs that are protected in their local communications, as well as cooperate will and support MSMES as stakeholders with regard to responsibility.
Pages: 9131-9139
Keywords: Corporate social responsibility, micro small and medium enterprises, stakeholder, philanthropic.