Volume 18, No. 6, 2021

Role Of Special Economic Zones (Sezs) In Boosting Global Competitiveness

Dr. Aradhana


Introduction: The basic goal of this research is to address the role of special economic zones in boosting global competitiveness. Therefore, as per this section, it has been addressed that, the motive for economic resilience focuses on the importance of creating a “special economic zone”and describes how SEZ intends to exhibit strong competitiveness globally. The Special Economic Zone, or SEZ, represents a region that has been assigned special socioeconomic laws and regulations inside a nation Literature Review: Based on the research objectives, themes are created within this section, which helps to identify that, India and China have been two of the top ten recipients of FDI over the past 20 years, with the amount of FDI increasing somewhat more quickly in the post-reform era. Between 2008–09 and 2011–12, the forefront six states—Maharashtra, Delhi, Karnataka, Gujarat, TN, and AP—accounted for 70% of all foreign direct investment inflow Methodology: In this study, the main quantitative approach was employed to do a quantitative analysis of the data that was gathered. This study has gathered truthful, real-time, and verified data that is unfounded. Findings: SPSS software has been utilized in this study to assist with the statistical analysis of the data that was gathered. Thus, real-time data may be gathered by researchers using ten survey questions. Discussion: As per this section, detailed knowledge about this study has been conducted. Factor that helps to boost the global economy also highlighted within this section. Conclusion: Overall structure of the paper has been analyzed in this section. Moreover, this section helps to analyzer the research objectives.

Pages: 9875-9892

Keywords: “Global competiveness, Special economic zone, Economic regulations, financial stability”

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