Volume 18, No. 2, 2021

Light Weight Cryptography based Medical Data and Image Encryption Scheme

M. Raja, Dr.S. Dhanasekaran and Dr.V. Vasudevan


Many medical companies use cloud technology to collect, distribute and transmit medical records. Given the need for medical information, confidentiality is a key issue. In this study, we propose an encrypted scheme based on encrypted data for an electronic healthcare environment. We use hybrid Attribute based encryption and Triple DES encryption technique (ABETDES) scheme, including identity-based cryptography (IBC), to ensure data privacy through communication channels և to improve the reliability of cloud computing. There are also limited indicators of light processing and storage resources. This solves a serious maintenance problem and ensures that a private key is created where it is not blind. The introduction of a security option, a comprehensive security analysis to protect ciphertext, shows that our program is effective against many known attacks and compared to existing methods.

Pages: 88-104

DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V18I2/WEB18309

Keywords: Light Weight Cryptography, Attribute based Encryption, Triple DES Encryption, Identity-based Cryptography.

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