Volume 18, No. 2, 2021
Understanding Human-Computer Interaction Patterns: A Systematic Analysis of Past and Future Innovations
Erlina Puspitaloka Mahadewi, Sudarmo, Elkana Timotius, Doharman Lumban Tungkup and Chairul Insani Ilham
The paper's aim was to further understand the human-computer interaction complexities of past and future advances that have profoundly altered the human development period. After doing a detailed review of many international journals on a similar subject, we decided to take this method. We depend on current data gleaned from Google Scholar searches performed between the years 2-010 and 2021 to resolve this problem. Then we investigate it using a phenomenological approach, beginning with coding, calculation, and interpretation to arrive at precise and reliable final findings. We may infer from the data review that human-computer contact is a sequence of protocols, dialogues, and actions that humans participate in in order to communicate with machines, all of which include input and guidance via a gui in order to obtain the desired outcome.
Pages: 261-272
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V18I2/WEB18320
Keywords: Human-Computer Interaction Patterns, Past and Future Innovations, Systematic Review.